A Guide to Most Important Vitamins And Minerals for Men

Earnest Vitamins

God’s best blessing is a healthy body and to maintain it you must have a plate of balanced ingredients in your hands. A balanced diet is one that contains various types of food and plenty of nutrients to nourish your body.

Let’s go through the vitamins first, they are of two types: one is fat soluble and the other is water soluble. Fat soluble are those vitamins that dissolve in fat and stays in the body for a longer period. On the other hand, water soluble vitamins diffuse in water, and they come out by urine from our bodies.

Vitamin A

It’s a fat soluble vitamin and necessary for the regular development of our bodies. It helps in keeping eyes, skin, and teeth healthy. It is also responsible for building immunity.

Natural Sources

It can be obtained by having foods which are rich in beta carotene. The following foods are carrots, kale, spinach, etc.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B

This water soluble vitamin is responsible for producing energy, iron absorption, and immune function.

Natural Sources

One can acquire it by having chili peppers, lentils, molasses, yeast, bananas, beans, and potatoes.

Vitamin C

Similar to vitamin B, it is also water soluble. Its main functions are the intensification of blood vessels, iron inclusion. It is an antioxidant and retains skin elasticity.

Natural Sources

Oranges are the finest source of vitamin C. Other fruits and vegetables that are loaded with it are guavas, red and green peppers, kiwi, grapefruits, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, and cantaloupe.

Vitamins Minerals Natural Sources

Vitamin D

It’s a fat soluble vitamin. When vitamin D reaches in the blood, the liver and kidneys convert it into calcitriol that makes bones healthier and builds up immunity. It is of two types, vitamin D 3 and vitamin D 2, both are collectively called calciferol.

Natural Sources

Parenthetically, the body naturally produces vitamin D when the skin is bare in sunlight. We can also get it by taking foods such as mushrooms, fortified dairy products, etc.

Essential Minerals

Exercise, healthy lifestyle and minerals are important, throughout life — to all age groups. To maintain both physical health and mental well being, we need a balanced dietary. Here, we are talking about essential minerals for men. Men generally have a fair idea of food and nutrition they need entertainment, advertisement industry, gym facilities, etc. make them aware of that knowledge.

Before we jump onto essential minerals, let’s keep it in mind that we don’t produce these minerals in our bodies. We get them from our proper and healthy diets. The requirement of minerals varies from person to person. Your health will decide the intact for necessary minerals.

A healthy man needs about 1,000 mg of calcium per day until the age of 70, after that, the ratio will go up to 1,200 mg per day. Similarly, magnesium – 420 mg per day for 31 or older and potassium – 4,700 mg per day.

There are two groups of essential minerals — Major mineral (Macro minerals) and Trace minerals (Micro minerals). The chief minerals are calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and sulfur. The body doesn’t need a large number of trace minerals, though they are very important for our health. Trace minerals are — chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, magnesium, selenium, and zinc.

Function and Sources

Now, let’s understand the purposes of these minerals in our body and their sources.

Major Minerals (Macro minerals)

Major Minerals

Sodium And Chloride

Sodium is important for nerve transmission and proper contraction, while Chloride is required for stomach acid. Table salt, soy sauce, processed food, and a small amount of milk are the best sources to gain Sodium and Chloride. Both function as proper fluid balancers.


You must have heard the word calcium in toothpaste and salt advertisement. Apart from being crucial for teethes and healthy muscles, calcium also relaxes the muscles, prevents blood clotting, regulates blood pressure, and improves the immune system. Milk and milk products are the best sources of calcium: tofu, fertilized soy milk, green broccoli, and legumes would also provide a great amount of calcium.


Magnesium is found in bones – it is important for making protein and also it prevents muscle contraction, necessary for nerve transmission and immune system health. Nuts and seeds, legumes, leafy green vegetables, chocolate, and water are the best sources of this mineral.


Potassium is necessary for proper fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction. The main sources of this mineral are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc.


Sulfur develops in food as a part of protein and it founds in molecules, milk, legumes, nuts, etc. are the best sources to get sulfur.

Trace Minerals (Micro minerals)

Trace Minerals


Like, Sulfur Iron is also a part of molecules (hemoglobin) found in red blood cells that carry oxygen in the body. Iron is needed for energy metabolism. Legumes, leafy greens are iron enriched foods.


Zinc is important for making protein and genetic material. It helps in wound healing, normal fatal, development, and production of sperm, growth and maturation, and immune system health.
For zinc whole grains, vegetables, nuts and seeds, water, and plant food are the best sources.


What is the first word pop up in your mind when you heard the word Iodine?
Generally, found in thyroid hormones Iodine helps regulate growth and metabolism. Iodized salt, bread, and dairy products contain a decent amount of Iodine.


If you love drinking tea, this information is going to be very important to you. Fluoride is a mineral that you found in most types of tea. Fluoride is involved in the formation of bones, teethes and helps prevent tooth decay. Water and oatmeal are other sources of this mineral.


Chromium works closely with insulin and important to maintain blood sugar (glucose). Whole grains, nuts, cheese, and unrefined foods are the best sources of chromium.


The above vitamins and minerals are earnest to men, however, it is advisable to consult your doctor before you plan any specific diet chart concerning any particular vitamin or mineral. Eat well, eat right!

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