Tips for Wearing a Beard at Work

In the previous article, we told you about the benefits of growing a beard and today we are going to talk about the ways you can wear it to the office without being interrupted by anyone.

It hasn’t been so long since we come out of that era where beards were bizarre and even considered taboo—at least, in the corporate world. Perhaps it’s usual to have a residue around who haven’t come over that mentality yet.

Anyways, the time has changed and now, keeping a beard is no more an offense. However, an untidy or wild whiskers are not even accepted at home by our parents and grandparents—how come the bosses would allow them?

Of course! You have got to maintain it—you have to follow a routine to keep it well and unobjectionable.

So, we are presenting you the complete guidance about how you can carry your beard to the office and be the man of the premise:

1. Keep it in Shape:

The working environment needs to have decency, formalness, and gentlemanliness. And, if you wish to carry beard to your work station—it has to be well-maintained. You cannot and can never go to the office becoming a wild man, having untamed facial hair. It is just not right—no matter what you think, what you say—that’s not the way we humans behave.

Beards must be tamed, trimmed, and shaped because it is essential and fabulous for your healthy appearance in the office. Also, the formal atmosphere should be respected by each person who’s a part of it.

2. Keep it Maintained:

Imagine yourself wearing an old woolen jersey and threads are dangling out of it—would you still be that confident?


So, why would you think hairs swaying out of your face would look good while narrating a presentation to your boss or client?

Accept the fact—that’d be just ugly.

So, cope up with this you can wear a beard at work, but you’ve to keep it under control and well maintained.

Care for Your Beard:

  • Feed it the required nutrients and movements via oils, shampoos, and massages.

  • Wash properly using beard soap or beard shampoo.

  • Dry and Comb it thoroughly in the desired style manner.

  • Keep cutting the unwanted hairs.


3. Keep a Beard Style

You need to set and stick to a particular style. You cannot try new beard styles every day and walk into that door of mannerism—it is so unprofessional as well as lame—you’re humiliating your image.

You have to understand this that the workplace is not your playground—no—it is the place where you work hard and earn your bread & butter. There has to be some disciplines and protocols you should adhere to by yourself.


  • Stubble: It has the minute facial hairs scattered all over the cheeks. Outline and length are the only things you have to look after.

  • Short Beard: One of the most popular and preferred beard types for offices. Not too big, not too short. Just be careful about the neck and cheek lines—they should be proper.

  • Full & Medium Lengthen Beard: As the name suggests, beards that are kept to full or medium length by you, fall in this category. They might look better, but their maintenance is high as well. You must keep them cleaned, moisturized, and trimmed to be appreciated in the office, instead of criticized by colleagues and boss.

4. Quick Tips:

Here are the must-know tips for wearing a beard at work:

If you wish or have decided to go to the office in beards—either you’ve to be or do or have done one of these things:

You summit the highest peak of awesomeness, or you have become the most loved employee in the history of that company—if neither of the upper two cases—you have to be a nice guy who’s following each of the below attributes:

  • Should be in a proper haircut at all times.

  • Your clothes should be well dressed and crisply ironed.

  • Be well behaved.

  • Be not just good but excellent at work.

  • Be good friends with everyone.

  • Be a cheerful greeter.

  • The boss should be on your friend list.

These things help you compensate for the cost of keeping a beard in the no-beard environment.



Meanwhile, the bottom line is if there’s a bearded environment in your office—maintain it—follow the first three points. In case, if it’s you who’s going to initiate the wave of bringing the bearded environment, keep all four points in mind. And, the quick tips are universal for everyone and every occasion. Go man and be the man of the year at your office.

Good luck and cheers!

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